Fire is a destructive incident in the workplace. A major one can result to serious injuries and even fatalities. Unfortunately, we cannot 100 percent get rid of fire threats in our day-to-day lives, but we can do something to minimize the risk of fire in our workplace. By applying some of these safety practices, you can protect yourself and help your co-workers during an emergency. Here are four precautionary measures to include in your office’s fire protection system to minimize fire hazards.

1. Keep your HVAC equipment well-maintained
Heating devices are among the most dangerous fire hazards in a building. Any device that generates heat, such as space heaters, heat lamps, boilers and electric kettle, are potential fire hazards if they are used broken or are poorly maintained. Since these devices are designed to produce heat, the threat they pose should not be underestimated. Check and have these devices maintained regularly to ensure optimum condition while using them.
2. Monitor use of cooking equipment
For Singapore establishments like restaurants and cafes, where stoves are always in use, cooking equipment should be regularly maintained and monitored closely while using them. Open flames must be supervised at all times to ensure they won’t start a fire while in use. Employees like chefs and cooks or anyone who is in constant contact with flame should wear a uniform designed specifically for use around heat and open flames. Additional precautionary measure like tying of hair and tucking loose shirts when working should also be followed at all times. Most importantly, your establishment’s fire protection system in Singapore should be working properly, especially in these areas of your workplace.

3. Designate smoking areas
Smoke breaks are part of many employees’ work days. If permitted by your management, designate an area outdoors or in a veranda where employees can smoke and properly dispose their smoking materials, like cigarettes, matches and lighters. These areas should be complete with fire alarm systems, or at east has fire extinguisher nearby in case of fire accidents.
4. Avoid overloading electrical outlets
Employees are expected to charge their electronic devices throughout the day. Because of this, outlets can easily become overloaded, posing dangerous fire hazards. The least you can do is to ensure that your employees are not using cheap surge protectors or outlet extensions to accommodate more devices onto an outlet. But if possible, try to prohibit the use of power strips as this only adds to the load of power handled by the main power source. If you hear buzzing sounds while charging or connecting a device to an outlet, turn it off, unplug it immediately and call a professional technician in Singapore right away.

Above all, make sure that your business’ fire protection system is designed by professionals and that fire alarm systems should be working properly at all times.